jueves, 29 de octubre de 2009

Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cáncer, I.A.P.

Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cáncer, I. A. P.

“In 1990, a group of close friends gathered efforts to institute the Protector Foundation of Children with Cancer. We formalized a Patronage, and organized two fundamental areas that would allow the Institution to operate and develop: the fund raising area and the public relations area. A year after we were established, we inaugurated our actual shelter.
By achieving this, we were able to give a comfortable and convenient shelter for children suffering from cancer that were receiving treatment in Mexico City, far away from their home places. We could also offer accommodation to the children’s companion.
As a result of hard work, the coexistence with the children and their parents that were in an urgent need for help, and the experience the Institution gave us, allowed the Foundation to identify other needs that had to be covered in order to offer a thorough and truthfully necessary support.
Therefore we developed the Drugs Program; we conceptualized the Educational and Emotional Support programs; created the Occupational Workshops, and most of the actual services and supports that distinguish us today.
“I recall with great joy, that in our beginning, we were able to offer support to three children. Today with pride, Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cancer, I.A.P., after nineteen years of uninterrupted achievements has supported more than five thousand”.
Amalia A. de García Moreno, Founder

Underprivileged Children World Scenario
What should we do when making a halt to hear the children’s voices and propose ourselves to attend their needs? If we dare and are capable to take action, nothing will ever be the same in our life, because this experience so revealing will not leave anyone indifferent.
Children’s rights are massively violated around the world, recalled the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) in its latest report, on the occasion of the Childhood´s World Day.
The Children’s Rights Convention exists since 1989, but it´s wet paper. Minors suffer from violence, exploitation, abuse, and bad health; children are displaced or murdered in armed conflicts; they experience lack of education and many other civil rights violations.
The 2008 UNICEF Report about Children World Status states one question: “How much does a life is worth?” Such a question, in practice seems not easy to answer, given the nearly 10 million child deaths that currently afflict the world. The last UNICEF´s annual edition report is addressed to analyze the progress situation in child survivor throughout the world and the progress made to reduce infant mortality numbers, beyond statistics involving the loss of millions of lives every year.
Along with several world efforts dedicated to eradicate specific diseases, it is necessary to address investments to reinforce health national systems. The purpose is to establish continued support to mothers, newborns, and young boys and girls, offering them housing, health centers, district hospitals and other higher attention spheres.
Local communities play in this sense a fundamental role, in order to promote and achieve quality health attention. All of this being fundamental as to reach the most marginalized and remote populations.
“Child survival is not only a human rights imperative, it is also a must for development”, states World Bank´s Vice-President for the Human Development Net. “Investing in children´s health and their mothers’, result in a wise and most safe economic decision countries have to achieve in order to mark their path towards a better future”.
In a global sense, half of the world’s regions are in the path to reach the Development Target of Millennium 4 (ODM4) and reduce infant mortality indexes in two thirds, along 1990 and the year 2015. This is certainly an unprecedented situation; a clear reflection of progress in motherhood and children health care efforts during the last century, so as commitment assumed by donors and national governments join forces to guarantee boys and girls may grow and move forward.
As the report summarizes, “What we need today is determination and action. There is neither nobler task nor more gratifying reward than saving a child’s life”.

Youth Cancer Scenario in Mexico
The Mexican Health Department, reports thousands of new infant cancer cases each year in our country. Resources to attend this serious public health problem are never enough; making it the second mortality cause in pediatric age. However, it is important to know that most of these cases can be curable, if detected on time and treated correctly. Unfortunately, the vast majority of these cases occur in underprivileged children and youngsters, depriving them a high chance of survival. Therefore, Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cancer, I.A.P., for the past nineteen years has been giving “Love, Hope and Life” to underprivileged Mexican childhood and youth facing cancer.

Our Mission:
“Provide total support to underprivileged children and youngsters suffering from Cancer in Mexico”
A mission must have sound and clear objectives in order to materialize. Ours, not only assumes assistance. It implies strategic planning, order and organization. It includes an important group of entrepreneurs. Highly professional promoters committed with social nets and social changes, capable to set themselves high goals, through an empathetic and solidarity vision. Men and women of our time, conscious of our country’s reality.

Our Slogan:
“Love, hope and life”
Love: being the feeling we express to every child supported by our Institution, when we pursue their recovery as the same time as we assist their families. We perform everything in our hands to achieve this, having cleared and defined our responsibility towards them.
Hope: we wish and act so every child being under our care, may recover health. For this to happen, even in the most difficult cases we never spare resources. Being always prepared to receive a new beneficiary, encourages us to pursue all kinds of efforts; keeps us organized and in constant activity. Planning, therefore, takes a priority sense: it is for the sake of a child’s life.
Life: Casa de la Amistad, is always defined by it´s vital spirit. The appropriate and prompt decisions taken, and a positive and proactive attitude, give our beneficiaries a better chance of life acknowledging their right to it.

From humanitarian, to assistance and humanist policies.
“I´m joyful and I like to keep on living.
I have many dreams to accomplish,
I want to become an Architect.
My heart tells me I can,
My heart feels and beats…
I have to keep on going to
accomplish my goals”.
Ernesto Gaspariano
Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala
Age, 16 years old

Economic crisis, for the most unprotected sector of the population, presupposes everyday existence. Humanitarian conduct for most fortunate sectors, represent the opportunity to become solidary and to show benevolence towards the unprovided: acting charitably.
Under taking necessary action as demanded in a mission to heal specific social deficiencies, makes assistance possible. And in an ideal degree of achievement - after awareness and actions carried out as a result of it, may turn real the possibility to consolidate the humanist approach.
Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cancer, I.A.P., inspired by the love and service that has always provided to the most needed, begun its assistant work in 1991, with the inauguration of its Shelter. A year later, thanks to several successful financial campaigns, the Institution substantially grew the number of children and teenagers benefited by the undertaken actions.
Once covered the assistance support provided by our shelter, and transportation and food service given to our beneficiaries, in 1992 to counteract the very high rate of abandonment of oncologic treatments due to their cost, and the impact this situation caused to children and youth in poverty, we created our Drugs Bank.
The increasing number of children and teenagers suffering from cancer in need of urgent help, due to their social and economic situation, turned the promotion and broadcasting of our mission into a leading activity for the procurement of resources. So in response to several strategies concerning those important issues, La Voz the institutional magazine was created. Nowadays, everyone collaborating with the institution receives the newly edition of it, three times per year.
In 1995, thanks to a very successful Christmas cards sales project, Casa de la Amistad was able to formalize it´s current Artistic Commercial Department. The Artistic Projects that are designed and included in it´s year round gift catalog “Regalos con Causa” (Gifts with a Cause), allow the Institution through a social marketing strategy, to take hold of a very unique fundraising platform. Turning beneficiaries drawings and handcrafts into lovely pieces of jewelry, neck ties, wooden toys, etcetera, turns every article included in the catalog into a “valuable” remainder of the noble cause that joins us all.
Once covered the primary assistance to attend those suffering the disease through our Shelter and Drugs Programs, Casa de la Amistad extended it´s support by affording necessary surgeries, prosthesis, endoprosthesis, transplants and physiotherapies among other needs urged by our beneficiaries.
Given the respective humanitarian support, a new institutional challenge encouraged the creation of our Creative Workshops, the Emotional Support in 2000, the Educational Support in 2002, the RIO project, and the in-hospital supports: bibliotherapy and “Godmothers Group”.
Conceiving the sick underprivileged children and youngsters as any human being bravely facing an unfortunate life circumstance “humanizes” them, and restores their dignity.
Granting them a higher life opportunity through our actions, gets to remind us all, that proceeding this way pays respect and recognizes the inalienable human rights of each individual and its family. And by doing so, Casa de la Amistad finds itself promoting at the same time, an important “Community of Change”.
Today, Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cancer, I.A.P., counts with a Shelter conformed by 48 rooms, each with private bathroom; a dining room that accommodates 90 people; a full equipped kitchen that serves an average of 120,000 meals per year; a multidisciplinary auditorium (Family Room) with a capacity for 250 seated persons; 2 areas for psychosocial meetings; 2 areas for creative workshops and a room appointed to projects addressed to our adolescent population. One laundry commodity; and 2 buses that transport our beneficiaries daily to and from the hospitals they are being treated; an Operational Area attended by a group of highly qualified employees; and 19 Drug Banks located in an equal number of states in Mexican territory. All of this, as part of the Integral Support conformed by the distinctive programs of: Shelter, Drugs, Food, Education, Emotional, Creative Workshops and the Decentralization Program that allows the Institution to supply medicine to the children and youngsters that are being supported directly in their home places.
We are a Private Assistance Institution with an absolutely transparent administration, officially recognized by the Board of Private Assistance (J.A.P.) and audited by the international company Price Water House Coopers.
The actions and rulings of our Institution, are defined by a highly qualified and committed Patronage, that has promoted recently a re-engineering program as part of an important change and setting of Corporate Government for better practices. Our Government Body is formed by 31 patrons, including a Reviewer Patron, a Treasurer, a Secretary, a Vice-President, and the President of the Patronage, as part of the Board of Directors.
120 active members compose the voluntary force that moves and represents us. We have an Institutional Development Direction, to which you must address, in case you may be interested to collaborate with our mission through specific donation plans or our strategic new projects; and a Communications Direction, that periodically reports our achievements and progresses. Promotes our mission, and invites you to participate in our procurement Special Events.
Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cancer, I.A.P., throughout its history, proudly has received important awards in recognition of its successful work and its social intervention model; implied in it its professional performance, and proactive vanguard methodology.
The social intervention model we have developed throughout our operation, the re-engineering process that the institution has performed to face modernity, and your unconditional support, have gained us recognition in our country, and has also benefited other assistant institutions by our assessment, experience and replica of our model.
Thank you for being part of us.
Our achievements are your own.

Management Committee
In 2006, Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cancer, I.A.P., took into effect its corporative modernization process with the implementation of its Corporate Government, supported by strategic planning and processes and policies analysis, so as to strengthen its organizational structure.
Our Patronage at the end of 2006, decided to implement the best practices of Corporate Government, to reframe the organizational model, improve transparency and operation controls to reinforce the Institution.
The rulings outlined, promoted the transition through decisions making agreed by structured government bodies, discarding unilateral decisions.
Strategic Planning
From 2007, Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cancer, I.A.P., counts with clear mechanisms that help define with great precision the Strategic targets of our Institution.
The Directors responsible of the prime areas that conform Casa de la Amistad para Niños Con Cancer, I.A.P., took into practice a Strategic Planning exercise that allowed them to determine the main projects and programs that fulfill the strategic targets defined by the Management Committee.
As result of the strategic planning, Casa de la Amistad has developed a Control Panel that allows punctual evaluation of institutional progress. Therefore, the Management Committee can plan and consider corrective actions with prompt time and efficiency.

Government Bodies
This Management Committee is responsible to review and update our Code of Ethics and represents the formalization and commitment of Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cancer, Private, Assistance Institution human team.
It is important to highlight the hard work done in the analysis, review and definition of structures, and responsibilities of each of the committees that integrate Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cancer I.A.P., emphasizing the creation of Audit and Corporate Practices.
We are ruled by the following Government Bodies:
o Assignations and Liabilities of Patronage
o President
o Management Committee
o Corporate Practices Committee
o Auditing Committee
o Finance Committee
o Image Committee
o Ex-Presidents Committee

Procedures Manuals

o More than 130 procedures corresponding to fundamental activities of Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cancer, I.A.P. were documented.
o More than 1400 control formats to perform and document auditing reviews were created, designed and compiled.
Our Institution’s processes and procedures have been documented and updated to modernize and optimize our staff´s tasks. All this with the purpose to achieve a permanent improvement in efficient management, use and control of material and human resources.

Drugs Bank Program
This Program supplies, distributes and controls all the drugs that are prescribed to our beneficiaries by their respective hospitals. Free of charge, and conveniently supplied by our central bank located in Mexico City or through our other 18 decentralized ones that conform the Decentralization Program within the Mexican Republic.

The Drugs Bank Program offers complete oncologic treatment: antibiotics, antiemetics, cytoprotectives, permanence catheters, prosthesis, endoprosthesis, stents, patches, needles, special studies, supplements, vaccines, marrow restorers and transplant of bone marrow, if necessary.
The Drugs Program also offers specific support to beneficiaries in a state of surveillance or relapse; gives attention to sequels and offers palliative treatment if needed. All this distinguish us from other institutions with mainly partial support.
The Drugs Program, holds agreements with medical research teams.

Finally, the Program grants funeral expenses when needed.

Social Impact

The actual number of beneficiaries that are being attended by our Integral Support is 2,525 of which, 660 are under treatment and 1,865 in surveillance.

Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cancer, I.A.P., offers its integral support to underprivileged Mexican children and Youngsters suffering from cancer since the year 2000, regardless their prognosis.

The diagnosis and medical protocol concerning of our beneficiaries, is solely responsibility of the specialists in charge of their treatment assigned by the Health´s Sector hospitals.

Admission to the Institutional Integral Support Program, happens through the collaboration between our Admission Area Department and the Social Work Health Sector in the hospitals departments.

*Some children native of the State of Mexico, are being treated at Mexico City´s hospitals.

Volunteers’ Group headquarters of our Drugs Banks in the country:
• Hospital General San Cristóbal de las Casas
• Hospital Regional Tapachula
• Hospital Regional de Alta Especialidad Pediátrica (HRAEP)
Distrito Federal
• “Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cáncer, I.A.P.”
State of MéxicoAñadir imagen
• Instituto Materno Infantil del Estado de México
• Fundación Gaviota Pro Niños con Cáncer, A.C.”
• “Mi Gran Esperanza, A.C.”
• “Voluntarias del Hospital del Niño Morelense, A.C.”
Nuevo León
• “Alianza Anticáncer Infantil, A.B.P.”
• Hospital Dr. Aurelio Valdivieso
• “Una Nueva Esperanza, A.B.P.”
• “Grupo Amigos de Niños Afectados de Cáncer, A.C.” (GANAC)
• “Voluntad Contra el Cáncer, A.C.”
• “Ayúdame Hermano Tengo Cáncer, A.C”. ( AHTECA)
• “Institución Asistencial, A.C.”
• Hospital General de Zacatecas

Health Sector´s Hospitals located in the Federal District:
Hospital General de México
• Hospital Infantil de México
• Hospital Juárez de México
• Hospital Pediátrico de Moctezuma
• Instituto Nacional de Cancerología
• Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas Nutrición Salvador Subirán
• Instituto Nacional de Pediatría

Operations Management
It is the area in charge of our hospitality and housing.

• Operations. It is responsible of daily logistics, shelter needs, remodeling and maintenance, as well as all operative area demands.
• Food Management . Controls and supplies our Food Program.
• Admission. Enrolls and monitors all of the beneficiaries in housing; assigns daily collaborations and activities to beneficiaries’ parents or tutors. Grants attention service 24 hours daily, 365 days per year to our beneficiaries registered at the shelter. Arranges and gives away basic food packages, clothes, gifts to be taken home, and gives toys and birthday packs to the sheltered on special celebrations.
• Logistics. It is in charge of the daily transportation of our beneficiaries to their respective treating hospitals and their home places. Collects donations, coordinates the courier, etcetera.
• Setings. Enables the corresponding assembling of in house events, celebrations and “tianguis”.
• Contingencies and emergencies. Prompts and adequates attention year round.


Our shelter offers private room with private bathroom to every beneficiary and their accompanying family member. Three balanced meals per day. Special diet if required. A clothes package each time they register. Provides hygiene personal articles. Gives access to a laundry area. It’s the point of arrival and departure to assigned hospital centers. Offers free round trip transportation by plane or inland for our beneficiaries to their places of origin. In case of emergency or specific need, gives transportation by ambulance so as funerary transportation in case of unfortunate decease.
Furnishes basic food packages to give away, the moment our beneficiaries get to return home.

Food Support
As part of the given Integral Support, we offer our beneficiaries special and balanced meals under strict hygienic and sanitary handling and preparation controls. When needed, the standardization or special complementary diet is being offered.

Educational Support
Grants and promotes knowledge and stimulates skills in children and teenage beneficiaries and their relatives and highlights the importance of education as a fundamental part of their human development.
Educational Support, pays attention not only to personal growth, at the same time, it affects their family nucleus and social life, therefore promoting community change. Currently, Educational Support involves 6 volunteers, 3 social service workers and a professional educator responsible of the Program .As being part of our seven Distinctive Programs, makes emphasis as the others do, in the profound human character of our Institution, not simply subscribing its attention on an assistance practice.

The study plan offered to our population is certified by the following instances:

National Institute for Adults Education (INEA). Primary and secondary education for youth aged 15 years and adults.
Bachilleres College . For high school.
National Council for the Life and Work (CONEVIT). For the blind and the visually impaired.
Direction 5, Ministry of Public Education (SEP). Elementary school.


Currently, the Educational Support grants attention to children, teenagers and adults all beneficiaries of Casa de la Amistad. High School teens are offered complete academic scholarship, given by the Colegio de Bachilleres, through the Open and Distance Education System (SEAD).

Emotional Support
Casa de la Amistad undertakes its beneficiaries and their families as to give them both its distinctive integral support. Taken the human being as a unit, we not only take care of their physical well being; we also pay and give special attention to their emotional stability. Through specialized committees, Emotional Support grants a relevant positive impact to children, teenagers and their families, so they may better face their situation, accompanying them during their illness and recovery process, including them at the same time as an active part of a social support net.
Emotional Support currently works with the collaboration of 24 volunteers and 2 psychologists.
It is an invaluable tool addressed to children, teenagers and their relatives with the purpose to help them with the difficult reality they have to confront. One not only related to the disease and the problems it entails. It also enables our beneficiaries to take hold of a more positive attitude and fighting spirit to face the pain produced by cancer.
Our intervention model includes handcrafts, lectures, and individual and group participations amongst other activities that are registered with several intentions; with a clear purpose to grant company and distraction to the patient, and to become a strong link to Casa de la Amistad during their hospital stays. Pose to accomplish this objective, our “Godmothers” work closely with Sociotherapy reporting on critical situations that affect our beneficiaries, so that they may receive prompt support from the Institution´s psychologists.

More than 200 regular visits take place to the hospitals along every year.

Through the individual or group reading of infant stories and fiction books, followed by specially designed games related to every session as part of the methodology, the Bibliotherapy Committee favors communication as a fundamental part of a healing process.
It is a pleasant activity, through which disease comes to a second term without its denial and in most cases, helps the patient and their parents to verbalize the experience of pain.

Rio Project
• RIO (Infantile Oncologic Resilience) is a research–intervention project, which purpose is to mentally strengthen children and teenagers that are under oncologic treatment, giving them psychotherapeutic strategies that are handy and sensible to highlight their resilient factors such as a strong sense of life, useful communication, high creativity, development of sense of humour, and the cohesion of psycho-affective nets enriched all through the promotion of new experiences.
Our BRECHAS Website, is a newly and attractive tool designed as a virtual platform directed to our teenage population for their emotional distance support. www.brechas.org/casadelaamistad

Creative Workshops

All of our workshops are conceived as occupational therapies and productive spaces addressed to our beneficiaries and family members. They promote activities related to drawing, painting, music, arts and crafts and clay modeling, taking place once a week each, except drawing which takes place three times a week since the year 1994. The drawings, paintings and sculptures that have been made in our workshops, today surpass the 9,000 pieces. These have become into Christmas cards, handkerchiefs, ties and jewelry pieces that integrate the catalogue “Gifts with Cause”. They also turn into awards and recognitions to donors, benefactors and friends associated to our Institution. Every piece of work produced in our Creative Workshops is a product of the invention, sensibility and affection of our children and young beneficiaries. They are true testimony of love for themselves, love for the life of their companions and for the Institution that protects them.

The Artistic Commercial Direction

The Artistic Commercial Direction produces annually its catalogue “Gifts with Cause”, to join the institutional strategies of fund raising. It includes several articles, some of which are being designed from the creativity and imagination of children and teenage beneficiaries. An important number of these designs are addressed to corporations, companies and civil society. All of them can be requested at the facilities of the Institution, by mail or through our web page. The catalogue contains Christmas gifts and others for all sorts of occasions, being in stock year round.

• The Making and Updating of Policies, Processes and Procedures of Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cancer, I.A.P. was performed thanks to the professional support of Deloitte´s external advise.
• The creation of the Internal Auditing Area, strengthen the Institution´s transparency demanded by the Authorized Recipients. This being performed with independent auditing reviewers following Institutional policies and procedures.
• The Annual Work Program is presented to the Private Assistance Board. It documents activities planned and developed in benefit of the population assisted by Casa de la Amistad mission.

• The Internal Auditing Area was formalized as part of the newly planned organization structure at the middle of 2008, with a clear purpose to improve the Institution’s operating efficiency through recommendations of improvement to processes and controls, focused to constantly evaluate the internal control systems, so as to identify the risk areas that affect it.
• The evaluated areas have the following guidelines:
a) Discussion and validation of procedures implemented by the Area.
b) Operation improvement through logic procedures and processes, through realistic and congruent evaluation.
c) Implementation of strategic new programs.
The Internal Auditing Area is of recent creation, therefore its importance is based to encourage an environment of control culture, so that in the short term the alleged benefits are crystallized.

Human Resources
This Sub-Direction has the responsibility to discover and focus human talent. Evaluates and procures highly trained and committed professionals, according to the profile our Institution demands. Human Resources, encourages personal growth through continuous training programs. Under an adequate work environment, pursues constant staff motivation to enable the institution to maintain its prominent position within an increasingly competed "Third Sector".

Volunteering Coordination
Volunteering is gathered by a group of people that with their knowledge, skills and commitment constitute the human and individual touch that sustains the Institution.
• Was updated by the Volunteering Regulations.
• Was made a systematization exercise by area, generating for each one, the Policies and Procedures Manual.

• The Volunteering Coordination has registered 125 people, distributed in 23 work committees.
Each Volunteering Committee jointly works with the Staff equipment.
Committee of Merchandise Obtaining
Committee of Procurement of Funds
Committee of Aldama Store
Committee of Chamizal Store
Committee of Tinguis
Committee of Merchandise Classification
Committee of Events
Committee of Public Relations
Committee of Artistic Support
Committee of Motivation and Integration
Committee of Recruiting and Selection
Workshops: Creativity, Ceramic, Metal Craving, Sewing, Clay, Music.

Academic Committee
INEA Committee
Committee of Colegio de Bachilleres
Committee of Academic Support to Blind and Visual Weak
Committee of Festivities, Toys and Clothing
Committee of Basic Food Packages
Committee of Drugs Labeling
Committee of Godmothers
Committee of Bibliotherapy
Committee of Psychotherapy
Committee of Continuous Education
Committee of Special Projects

Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cancer, I.A.P., every year grants the recognition of “Volunteer of the Year”, to the volunteer that distinguishes from his or her work and path.
* Every month, the Institution recognizes the work of the volunteer who stands out for his or her performance.

Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics that describe Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cancer, I.A.P., includes norms, values, virtues, principles and rights that govern the behavior, work and relationship within and outside the Institution to fully accomplish its mission.

Most Recent Awards and Recognitions
• AL RIES Philanthropic Brand Annual Award.
• SOCIAL EFFIE given by AMAP (Mexican Association of Advertising Agencies), thanks to “Construyamos sus Sueños” (Let’s build their dreams) campaign.
• The Mexican Health Secretary, Dr. Jose Angel Cordova Villalobos, granted an important recognition to Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cancer, I.A.P., for its successful and uninterrupted 18 years of activity, in benefit of underprivileged children and youngsters suffering from cancer in our country.

Institutions and Associations related to Casa de la Amistad para Niños con Cáncer, I.A.P.
Albergue La Esperanza, I.A.P.
Albergue La Montaña, A.C.
Asilo de Ancianos San Judas Tadeo, AC
Asociación Jema
Asociación Padre Pro, I.A.P.
Ave Azur
Ayuda y Solidaridad con Niños de la Calle
Casa Azul
Casa Betti, I.A.P.
Casa de Rehabilitación Jóvenes Ramós Millán
Casa Hogar del Consuelo A.C.
Casa Hogar Guízar y Valencia
Casa Hogar Margarita, A.C.
Casa Hogar Regalo de Amor, A.C.
Cocina Popular
Colonias de Vacaciones I.A.P.
Comedor Nazareth
Cruz Roja Mexicana
Edad de Oro de los Abuelos San Judas Tadeo, A.C.
Fundación de Apoyo Integral a la Niñez, A.C.
Fundación Familiar Infantil, I.A.P.
Fundación Hogar Dulce Hogar
Fundación Nuestra Señora de la Consolación
Fundación Alejandro, A.C.
Fundación Clara Moreno
Fundación de Obras Sociales San Vicente, I.A.P.
Fundación Dr. José Ma. Álvarez
Fundación Fraternidad sin Fronteras
Fundación Manpower
Fundación Pro Empleo Productivo, A.C.
Fundación Pro Niños de la Calle
Genta Excepcional, A.C.
Grupo Sendero a la Vida, A.C.
Hogar San Vicente
Hospital Materno Infantil de Xochimilco
Instituto Nacional Nutrición
La Casa de la Sal
La Casa de Ronald McDonald
Metamorfosis Global A.C.
Ministerios de Amor
Proservir (apoya 90 Albergues)
Razón de Ser
Renovación, Unión de Fuerzas Unión de Esfuerzos, A.C.
Voluntarias del Instituto Nacional de Cancerología, I.A.P.


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